Non Diving Specialties

We know that during this difficult time, divers are limited to what they can do with regards to diving. Here in Malta, it is still acceptable to dive in pairs of 3 people at the moment, but that can change in any minute…also for our Divewise Fam that can’t make it out to dive with us – we wanted to remind you of these courses which are available out of the water.


  • Project A.W.A.R.E Environmental Specialty
  • Project A.W.A.R.E Coral Reef Conservation Specialty
  • Digital Underwater Photography for Snorkelers
  • Enriched Air Diver Online Course
  • Equipment Specialist

  •  Project A.W.A.R.E Environmental Specialty

    This classroom-based course is enjoyable and informative for divers and non-divers alike. Learn all about the aquatic world, its value and importance, the threats that it faces and what we can do to protect this beautiful resource. Find out more about the food chains of the oceans, their productivity and all of the benefits we reap from the sea…

    Non Diving Specialties

    Project A.W.A.R.E Coral Reef Conservation Specialty

    If you enjoy diving or snorkelling on the splendid coral reefs around the world then you will definitely love the Coral Conservation Specialty. Find out all about the delicate systems that keep a reef in a healthy balance, and how coral reproduces and grows. Learn the value of the reefs resources and the threats that face it.

    You can also learn how to survey coral health and colour on your future dive or snorkel excursion, adding to data collected by divers and snorkelers all over the world.

    Non Diving Specialties

    Digital Underwater Photography for Snorkelers

    Just because you don’t scuba dive, doesn’t mean you can’t get fantastic snaps of the underwater world. Digital Underwater photography is also available to snorkelers. Learn how to balance your colour, capture fast-moving fishy subjects and find natural frames for the perfect picture. With theory and practical put together, this may also make a big improvement to your on-land photography too!

    Non Diving Specialties

    Enriched Air Diver Online Course

    This course can be taken including practical dives, but if you’re unable to make it to the water, you can still learn all theory and skills it takes to dive on Enriched Air up to 40%. Learn about the advantages of diving on Enriched Air and how to deal with the extra considerations required. Spend longer in the blue – book onto Enriched Air Diver today!

    Non Diving Specialties

    Equipment Specialist

    Make your equipment last longer and perform better – learn to maintain it properly and how to resolve kit issues! Find out more about the inner workings of your equipment. Discover simple tips and tricks to keep your Scuba gear in top shape and what to pack so you’re never caught out at a dive site! This course is especially useful for those considering professional-level training in diving. It is simply a classroom session, so it's perfect to keep learning is you are stuck out of the water for any reason.

    Non Diving Specialties

    Written By: Alan Whitehead

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