Team Interview - Steve Scerri

Getting to know who Steve Scerri is and what he does on a daily basis


When did you first start diving?

I first started diving in 2009. A few friends and I completed a Discover Scuba Dive and here I am, teaching people how to dive!

What made you start diving?

My previous job was quite stressful, diving was a way to escape from it all.
Team Interview - Steve Scerri

What do you like about Malta?

I like the weather and the fact that Malta is a small island, so everything is close by.

How long have you been working for Techwise?

I started working for Techwise back in 2010, it’s been a while now.
Team Interview - Steve Scerri

What kind of diving do you personally enjoy?

Wrecks and more wrecks! So basically all the wrecks around the Maltese islands.

What is your favourite dive site around the Maltese Islands?

My favourite dive site or better to say wreck, is the Polynesian, what an incredible wreck.
Team Interview - Steve Scerri

What do you do on your non-diving days at work?

When I’m not diving, I work on maintenance for our boat as I drive our rib as well.

Favourite piece of equipment?

Maybe its a bit of a weird piece of equipment, but I'm very happy with my P-valve. Really helpful when you are doing long technical dives. If I didn't have a P-valve, well you can just imagine what would happen in my drysuit.
Team Interview - Steve Scerri

Where do you see yourself within 5 years of the diving industry?

I hope to become a course director one day and as well a trimix re-breather instructor.

Have you ever failed a student during a course?

During a technical course, I have failed a student once. Technical diving teamwork and safety is very important.
Team Interview - Steve Scerri

What has been your best experience with Techwise so far?

My best experience with Techwise is probably diving the HMS Russell, it is a WW2 wreck at a depth of 115 meters.

Describe yourself in 2 words

Efficient and kind
Team Interview - Steve Scerri


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