Team Interview - Susannah Williams

Getting to know who Susannah Williams is and what she does on a daily basis


What made you start diving?

I did my Open Water back in 2008 in Cyprus. It seems a long time ago. Back then, I thought it would be just an activity I would do on holiday. However, like most divers I got addicted, found a local dive centre where I lived in the UK and never stopped diving.

Susannah Williams Blog

What kind of profession did you do before becoming a dive instructor?

I was a Contracts Administrator. I was working in a windowless office, Monday to Friday. It paid a wage but I wanted more. In 2019, I helped at Divewise for a week and knew I couldn't go back to an office job. I passed my Instructors exams later that year, handed my notice in the next day and planned a new life in Malta with my partner Ben, and we have never looked back.

What do you like about Malta?

I love the sunshine, the food, the people, the fact you are always so close to the sea wherever you are on the island, and the variety of diving. I fell in love with Malta on my first visit.

Susannah Williams Blog

What is your dream job?

Anything with diving involved so to be a diving instructor makes me feel pretty lucky. I've been working towards becoming an instructor for years and to finally be one is amazing. 

What are your strengths as a scuba instructor?

I think my patience and empathy, I still remember what it's like to be a student and the nerves that can come along with it. I'm passionate about what I do and hopefully that comes across to my students.

Susannah Williams Blog

What is your favourite dive site around the Maltese Islands? 

I love wrecks, I did my first dive on the Um El Faroud last year and I'm very keen to take a twin set there and have more time to explore the wreck!

What do you like to do on your days off?

Nice long walks to explore and sightseeing. Over winter when the weather is cooler, I enjoy running and cycling. And when possible, a pleasure dive.

Susannah Williams Blog

What are your goals for 2021 in diving?

Hopefully more diving! After qualifying as a Tec 50 diver last year, I'm keen to practice the skills and have access to even more dive sites.

Susannah Williams Blog

Where do you see yourself within 5 years of the diving industry?

I'm very fortunate to be working at Divewise and even better to be able to do so with my partner Ben. Right now we are both wanting to gain as much experience as possible and one day in the future we would love to help run a dive centre together. I'm excited to see where the next 5 years takes me.

Have you ever failed a student during a course?

One of my biggest worries on a course is letting the student down, especially as one of the newer instructors on the team. I suspect a lot of instructors have that worry but we all keep pushing to do our best by our students to keep them safe and have fun. So, no I have not as I have made an extra effort to help those who may have struggled.

What has been your best experience with Divewise so far?

When the ladies at Divewise had our staff day out for some pleasure diving and a beautiful meal after over looking the Mediterranean Sea. It was such a fun day, lots of silly photos, and the dives were awesome. When diving with our staff, I feel very proud to be in the company of such amazing divers and people. It was a brilliant day and one I'm looking forward to repeating.

Susannah Williams Blog

Describe yourself in 2 words

Loud and happy

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