Mediterranean Marine Life

Slipper Lobsters

Hello, my avid readers, welcome to a new blog all about Slipper Lobsters. CONTENTS Classification Description Ecolo...

What is a Sea Hare?

Hello hello. I’ve been asked to write a little article on Sea Hares. Now Sea Hares are part of the big family that I ...

Christmas Creatures

Tis the season to be festive tra la la la la la la. So, what better way to indulge ourselves at this time of year to ...

Crinoids (Feather Stars)

Hi folks, thanks for reading the article below. Hope it is another educational piece for you. This piece is all about...

Jellyfish Facts

Jellyfish have been living among the oldest creatures of the Oceans for around 650 million years. As for different ty...

Pinna Nobilis

Hi folks and welcome back to another edition of Marine life Mediterranean style. This time I am going move away from ...

Petrosia Ficiforms

Hello everybody, glad you could join me again. Now to continue enlightening you about the Mediterranean marine life. ...

Aplysina Aerophobas

Great to have you back! Now, following on from my first blog . . . . Aplysina Aerophobas form characteristic bright y...

Tube Anemone

As some of you will know, I have become the go-to person at Divewise to ask about marine life. Why do I know so much?...

Mediterranean Red Star Fish

Colours change quite drastically within the different depths whilst diving. Red is the first colour to start changing...

Maltese Rainbow Wrasse

After having found this unique predator of the dead organism world (the fireworm), I was sure that the Maltese waters...

What is a Fireworm

Where and what exactly lived in the Maltese waters? This was on my mind for the first 5 minutes of my first dive, the...
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