The Blue Hole - Gozo

Reef Dive, Dwejra, Gozo

The Blue Hole is in front of where the Azure Window used to be, at the bottom of Dwejra Point. It is a shore dive, which is reached via a fairly difficult walk over rough coralline limestone, however, steps have been carved into the rocks leading down to the Blue Hole. This natural rock formation has been carved out over the centuries by wind and waves which goes down to a depth of 16 meters. The hole is about one meter above sea level and no more than 10 meters, 5 meters across, and 15-meter depth. Once dropping down the blue hole, it will give you a way to unlimited access to the sea on exiting a huge archway. A large cave can also be found at the bottom of the hole. A torch is required for the cave.

The Chimney

One diver enters at a time through a fissure in the almost vertical rock. This opens up at Coral Gardens, a depth of around 6 meters.

Throughout the dive, one can see various species of fish, starfish and fireworms, if you get lucky you can spot a tuna along the reef. No time to show your buddy the tuna, because they are really fast.

Experience Needed

You must be certified to dive to a depth of 18 meters to dive this site, as such we would require a minimum of Open Water Diver certification. We would also recommend Nitrox Diver.


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